There are many miscellaneous pages in the site of TQOM. These are usually not related to the puzzles, and are not very important. All of these are in directory /misc (other than the ones who needed to be in the root). None of these pages are hidden/secret. These are all of the miscellaneous pages that are in /misc.

AKA "Bad" Made when rushing through the Neocities tutorial. /credits
AKA "The Credits" The credits of this game. May have things I forgot. /example
AKA "The Example?" Was meant to be a placeholder/base, but no. /exreal
AKA "ExampleReal"/"The Example"/"The True Example" The actual placeholder/base. As said there, it is helpful. /index
AKA "/misc" Here. Literally here. Where you arrive when going to /misc. /So2C20so20bad2E
AKA "So, so bad." ... so... so... bad... ... ...what... is... HTML... /meskillz
AKA "MeSkillz"/"Me的Skillz"/"My Skills" This was supposed to be /me的skillz, but Neocities said no. /null
AKA "null"/"" Nothing. Literally nothing. Haha, null. None. Nil.

(These all exist in the root.)

AKA "Home" This is the root of this domain! Wahoo! Cool, right? (*something random*/not_found.html)
AKA "404"/"Not Found" Basically the 404 page. Appears when a page does not exist. robots.txt
AKA "robots.txt" A text file used to communicate with web crawlers. Needed-ish. style.css
AKA "The Style"/"style.css" The Cascading Style Sheets file. Without it, it looks awful. humans.txt
AKA "humans.txt" On most websites, this is the credits, but here, it's a link. test1
AKA "test1" Just was used for a really small stupid test, like /test2. test2
AKA "test2" Just was used for a really small stupid test, like /test1.